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We would like to welcome you to Launceston Swimming Club. We hope you enjoy swimming with us. We are committed to helping swimmers achieve to a standard that is appropriate to their potential. The coaches and teachers are here to help swimmers reach their potential and have been trained to do so in a safe and proper manner. This letter accompanies the membership pack which is aimed at providing you with all the information that you may need.  If there are any questions regarding the swimming club, please speak to any committee member who are listed along with their contact details on the club notice board. Information is also available on this website


January is our annual membership renewal month. Memberships run from the date you joined to December of the same year and from January to December in subsequent years.


We are a SwimMark club and the club follows the guidance in Wavepower for child safeguarding, the ASA Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct. A copy can be viewed and downloaded from the ASA website There is also a link from our website .The club does not condone bullying of any kind, by adults or juniors, and has an anti bullying policy. The club is committed to the welfare of children and if there are any concerns about the behaviour of adults or other young people, you can speak to one of our two club welfare officers. The club welfare officers will make sure any concerns are dealt with appropriately. Their names and contact details can be found on the club website/club noticeboard.


We expect all our swimmers to behave in an appropriate manner to their coaches, all club helpers, fellow swimmers and all adults and young people they have contact with in competitions. We have included the code of conduct documents that will need to be read and signed by both parents and swimmers, and returned to the membership secretary.  If you are unsure about any aspect of the code of conduct, please contact our club welfare officers.


Launceston Swimming Club are always looking for parental help to run the organisation. You may offer to help or a member of the committee may approach you to see if you are able to assist. We are predominantly a voluntarily-run organisation and we appreciate all the help parents can give us, however small.


A copy of our policies are available to view on our website on the drop down menu of the SwimMark Tab. The transport policy with respect to away galas and competitions is also on this tab and a copy of our Payment policy is included in the membership pack which can be viewed and downloaded from the link listed below.


To complete the membership please complete the membership application form, medical information form and photography consent form, and return to LSC  together with the membership fees and the signed code of conducts.



We hope you will have a very happy and successful time as a member of Launceston Swimming Club.

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