Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Swimmers from all disciplines
As a member of our club, we understand you have the right to:
• Enjoy the time you spend with us and know that you are safe.
• Be told who you can talk to if something’s not right.
• Be listened to.
• Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the club or activity.
• Be respected by us and other team members and be treated fairly.
• Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on your race, gender, sexuality, faith or ability.
• Be encouraged and develop your swimming, para-swimming, diving, high diving, artistic swimming, water polo and open water swimming skills with our help and support.
• Be looked after if there’s an accident or injury and have your parents/guardians informed, where appropriate
As a member of our club or activity we expect you to:
Keep yourself safe by listening to your coach or teacher, behave responsibly and speak out when something isn’t right.
Take care of our equipment and premises as if they were your own.
Make it to training and competitions on time and if you’re running late, let a member of the club know.
Make your coach or teacher aware if you have any difficulties attending training or competitions.
Not wander off, or leave training or a competition without telling your coach, teacher or team manager.
Bring the right kit to training and competitions.
Follow the rules of the club, squad or activity at all times.
Respect the privacy of others especially in the changing rooms.
Make our club and activity a fun, happy, friendly and welcoming place to be.
Respect and celebrate difference in our club or activity and not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, faith or ability.
Understand that the use of abusive or inappropriate language, bullying, physical violence or any other behaviour which hurts others will not be tolerated by the club.
Not use any device to take photographs or footage of others in the changing rooms or cubicles.
Report any concerns you have about others taking photographs or footage of others in the changing rooms or poolside.
Understand that poor behaviour may result in the club taking disciplinary action against you. Any behaviour which may be a criminal offence will be reported to police by the club.
Report any incidents of bullying or unkind behaviour to the club, even if you’re just a witness.
Treat other children with respect and appreciate that everyone has a different level of skill or talent.
Support and encourage your team mates, tell them when they’ve done well and be there for them when they are struggling.
Respect the children and adults competing for other teams at competitions.
Respect the committee members, coaching and teaching team and all volunteer helpers at the club.
Get involved in club decisions, it’s your sport too.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the club committee.
Code of Conduct for parents/guardians
As a parent/guardian of a club member we understand you have the right to:
• Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their time with us.
• Know how to access our club policies, rules and procedures.
• Know who the Welfare Officer is and how to contact them.
• Know that any concerns about your child’s welfare will be listened to and responded to.
• Know what qualifications and training those with responsibility for your child have.
• Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child, where appropriate.
• Know the procedure should your child be involved in an accident or become injured.
• Provide your consent or otherwise for photography and trips away.
• Make a complaint to the club committee or Welfare Officer (as appropriate).
As a parent/guardian of a club member we expect you to:
Make sure your child has the right kit for training and competitions as well as enough food and drink.
Ensure your child arrives to sessions on time and is picked up promptly.
Inform us if you’re running late to collect your child or if your child is going home with someone else.
Complete all consent, contact and medical forms and update us straight away if anything changes.
Maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach or teacher.
Tell us if you wish to talk to us about any concerns regarding your child. We will arrange a mutually convenient time so you can talk to us.
Not enter poolside or interrupt training or competitions unless in an emergency situation.
Remember that children get a wide range of benefits from participating in one of our sports, like making friends, getting exercise and developing skills. It’s not all about wins and losses.
Behave positively as a spectator at training or competitions and treat others with respect.
Give encouragement to your child and tell them when they’ve done well and provide support when they are struggling.
Respect and celebrate difference in our club or activity and not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, faith or ability.
Respect the children and adults competing for other teams at competitions.
Respect the committee members, coaching and teaching team and all volunteer helpers at the club.
Understand that the use of abusive or inappropriate language, bullying, physical violence or any other behaviour which hurts others will not be tolerated by the club.
Understand that poor behaviour may result in the club taking disciplinary action against you. Any behaviour which alleges a criminal offence will be reported to police by the club.
Talk to your child and ensure they understand the rules of the club and the sport.
Ensure your child understands their Code of Conduct.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the club committee. Continued issues and repeated breaches may result in parents/ guardians being asked not to attend the club, something we never want to do.
Code of Conduct for committee members, officials and volunteers
As a volunteer at the club, we understand you have the right to:
• Enjoy the time you spend with us and be supported in your role.
• Be informed of Wavepower and the club child safeguarding reporting procedures.
• Know who the Welfare Officer(s) is/are and how to contact them.
• Be informed of the internal club complaints process and who to contact at the club for advice on complaints.
• Be aware of the club rules and procedures.
• Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the club.
• Be respected and treated fairly by the club.
• Feel welcomed, valued and listened to.
As a volunteer at the club we expect you to:
• Adhere to and implement Wavepower and the club safeguarding procedures.
• Adhere to the Swim England Equality and Diversity Policy.
• Adhere to the Swim England regulations, Code of Ethics, club constitution and rules.
• Adhere to any conditions stipulated under the pool hire agreement.
• Refer all child safeguarding concerns to the Welfare Officer.
• Ensure all complaints are referred under the internal club complaints process.
• Champion everyone’s right to take part and celebrate difference in our club or activity by not discriminating against anyone else on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, faith or ability.
• Adhere to your role responsibilities.
• Make our club a happy, friendly and welcoming place for all members.
• Attend child safeguarding training every three years if applicable for your role.
• Ensure you have a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate (renewable every three years) if applicable to your role.
• Keep any qualifications or CPD up to date if applicable to your role.
• Lead by example by promoting positive behaviour and good sportsmanship. Encourage all members to behave in a positive manner and follow the rules of the club and sport.
• Never encourage or condone members of the club to breach the rules of the sport. Treat all personal information about members or their families on a confidential “need-to-know” basis unless information sharing with others is required to protect and safeguard a child from harm.
• Observe the authority of officials and follow the rules of the sport when questioning any decisions.
• Treat with respect and encourage all members to respect all competitors and teams from other organisations in victory or defeat.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the club committee under the judicial regulations. Continued issues and repeated breaches may result in your dismissal from the club.